February 24, 2025

Is Hamas a legitimate representative of Islam? Yes, it is.


Is Hamas a legitimate representative of Islam?

Yes, it is.

By Hendrik van der Breggen


HAMAS (Hamas) is an acronym for the Arabic words Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya, which in English means Islamic Resistance Movement. Hamas, in other words, purports to be a representative of Islam. But is it? That is to ask: Is Hamas a legitimate representative of Islam?

Before I answer and set out my reasons, let’s review some recent goings-on in Gaza.

Last Thursday (February 20, 2025), Hamas staged a macabre carnival-like ceremony in Gaza for its release of four dead Israeli hostages.

Dead hostages included three members of the Bibas family, i.e., two very young boys Ariel and Kfir and their mother Shiri (the father Yarden was released alive two weeks earlier). Also, the dead hostages included an 84-year-old gentleman, Oded Lifschitz.

Well, at least that was the morbid plan of Hamas, according to its ceasefire agreement with Israel.

It turns out that Israeli forensic investigators determined that the dead woman was not the children’s mother. There was a “mix-up of bodies,” per Hamas. Instead of Shiri Bibas (i.e., the children’s mother), the Hamas terrorists gave Israel an unidentified dead Palestinian woman. Israel rightly complained, so Shiri’s dead body was handed over the next day.

Subsequently, and what is worse (though it was hard to believe things could get worse), forensic investigation also revealed that the young Bibas boys—Ariel and Kfir—were strangled to death and later mutilated to look like they were killed by bombs. (They were later mutilated by Hamas because Hamas falsely claimed the children were killed not by Hamas but by Israeli bombs.)

Let this sink in. Ariel and Kfir, who were, respectively, 4 years old and 9 months old when abducted on October 7, 2023—these precious little red-headed boys were strangled to death by Hamas.

Strangled to death

This is evil. And should be condemned by the whole world as such. Surely.

Back to my question: Is Hamas a legitimate representative of Islam?

Interestingly, two Islamic Grand Muftis, one from Saudi Arabia and one from the United Arab Emirates, spoke up on the matter. (In Islam, a Grand Mufti is a very high-ranking religious figure like, say, a Bishop is for the Catholic Church.)

The Grand Muftis attempted to distance Islam from Hamas and its macabre spectacle involving the return of dead hostages, including the Bibas children. According to one of the Grand Muftis, “What we saw today in Gaza is a disgrace to Islam, an act of blasphemy against Allah.” The other said, “Hamas has brought shame on Islam, on a level never seen before.”

What are non-Muslims to think about this? On the one hand, Hamas—the Islamic Resistance Movement—sees itself as doing the work of Islam. On the other hand, high-ranking Islamic religious officials condemn this work as a “disgrace to Islam” and a “shame on Islam.”

So, again: Is Hamas a legitimate representative of Islam?

I believe the answer is yes.

To arrive at this answer, I have found helpful a distinction made by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Ali is a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution (Stanford University), a Somali-born former Dutch politician, and a former Muslim.

Ali distinguishes between what she calls Medina Muslims and Mecca Muslims.

Background historical notes: The Prophet Muhammad (c. 570–632) began the religion of Islam in Mecca (in what is now Saudi Arabia) and a few years later he moved to Medina (about 340 kilometres away from Mecca). Muhammad’s alleged revelations from God/Allah are recorded in Islam’s holy book the Qur’an. Muhammad’s sayings and actions are recorded in the Hadith. For Muslims, the Hadith is a significant supplement to the Qur’an.

Muslims themselves may not apply the Medina-Mecca distinction to themselves. Nevertheless, the Medina-Mecca distinction provides important insight into the motivations of followers of Islam (whether Sunni, Shiite, or whatever).

According to Ali, Medina Muslims are those Muslims who follow the violent teachings of the Prophet Muhammad when in the city of Medina the prophet effectively became a warlord after his peaceful approach to spreading Islam in Mecca was rejected. Subsequently, Muhammad killed Jews and ordered the killing of Jews.

It would be reasonable, then, to describe Hamas—whose goal is to kill Jews in the name of Islam—as what Ali calls “Medina Muslims.” Medina Muslims take the violent Prophet Muhammad to be their role model.

On the other hand, those Muslims such as the above-mentioned Grand Muftis could be described as “Mecca Muslims.” That is to say, they follow the Prophet Muhammad’s peaceful teachings when he first began his religion in Mecca. But they downplay or ignore Muhammad’s later violent teachings that abrogate—cancel—the earlier peaceful ones.

Why the popular confusion over whether one should follow the earlier peaceful teachings or the later violent teachings that cancel the earlier teachings? It may be, it seems to me, because the Qur’an is not ordered chronologically. Instead, the Qur’an begins with the longest chapter and ends with the shortest chapter. Such an ordering may be aesthetically pleasing, but historical chronology gets lost. The result is that it is not clear that the violent verses come after—and thus abrogate/cancel—the earlier peaceful verses.

The upshot: Muslims who follow closely Muhammad’s violent later teachings are scripturally correct in doing so.

Thus, Hamas does legitimately represent Islam. At least it does in so far as Hamas takes seriously all of the Qur’an’s and the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings, including the later ones, which cancel the earlier peaceful ones, and which include the brutal killing of Jews.

Jews such as Ariel, Kfir, and Shiri Bibas and the elderly Oded Lifschitz.


For additional thought


Objections and replies

Objection 1. Criticizing Islam is Islamophobic.

Reply: No, it’s not. My pointing to Islam’s negative view of Jews and my call for careful thinking about Islam—especially about its founder Muhammad who encourages the killing of Jews (and others) and whom Islamists such as Hamas take very seriously as a model for their violent behaviour—are not instances of Islamophobia. Rather, these are reasonable, evidence-based concerns. Think about it. A phobia is an irrational or ungrounded fear, aversion, or hatred. Consider arachnophobia, an irrational ungrounded fear or hatred of spiders. But, clearly, it’s possible to have reasonable, non-phobic concerns about some spiders if the spiders display evidence of being harmful or lethal to humans. Again, thinking carefully about Islam is not Islamophobia. One can have non-phobic, reasonable concerns about a religion that displays evidence of being harmful or lethal to people who do not agree with that religion. It turns out that Muhammad was an extremely violent man bent on world domination by force, and he teaches his followers to be and do likewise. It is not phobic to say this.

Objection 2. The Bible also has calls to war, so the Bible is as bad as the Qur’an.

Reply: Yes, the Bible has calls to war in the Old Testament. But the Bible’s calls to war are specific and limited to particular times and places, whereas the Qur’an’s call for war against unbelievers is Muhammad’s latest revelation and is open-ended—and continues. Moreover, according to the New Testament, Jesus promotes his message by allowing his blood to be shed on a cross, and Jesus teaches his followers to love their enemies. But Muhammad, according to the Qur’an and tradition, promotes his message by shedding the blood of others. To promote Islam throughout the world, Muhammad calls his followers to kill infidels, i.e., those who don’t agree with his views about God. Yes, most Muslims don’t follow the violent Muhammad, which is, I believe, good. These Muslims elevate Muhammad’s peaceful traits above his violent ones. But the peaceful Muslims are mistaken, according to the Qur’an and Hadith, because Muhammad’s call to violent jihad is his latest revelation and his latest revelation abrogates—cancels—the earlier peaceful revelation.

The Qur’an, then, has an ongoing call to subdue or kill non-believers—Jews, Christians, and other so-called infidels—whereas the Bible does not. Yes, some followers of Jesus have done evil things, but they did so contrary to Jesus’ teachings, unlike followers of Muhammad who do and have done bad things in accordance with Muhammad’s teachings.

Significantly, the Bible, unlike the Qur’an, has good news: According to the Bible, the God of the universe loves us; the God of the universe became a man—Jesus—and lived among us; Jesus showed us the way of love, suffered for us, and was killed for our sins; and Jesus resurrected physically to defeat the powers of death and darkness. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. We should repent and accept Jesus as Lord.


Hendrik van der Breggen, PhD, is a retired philosophy professor who lives in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada. Hendrik is author of the 2024 book Untangling Popular Anti-Israel Arguments: Critical Thinking about the Israel-Hamas War.


January 17, 2025

New book — Untangling Trudeau: MAID, COVID, ABORTION, LGBTQ+




I am delighted to announce that my latest book is available at Amazon: Untangling Trudeau: MAID, COVID, ABORTION, LGBTQ+.

As you can see on the book’s cover, my “endorsements” are fictional (though they contain some large nuggets of truth) and humorous. I should add, for the sake of clarity, that the rest of the book is not fictional and not funny. The truths I write about are sad—and disturbing.

This self-published book is a collection of several of my previously-published articles concerning some faulty views of Canada’s soon-to-be former Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. More specifically, this book is about Trudeau’s tangled-up thinking on the following four topics:

1. MAID (so-called “medical assistance in dying,” which, on Trudeau’s watch, turned into government promotion of killing instead of actual assistance in living);

2. COVID (via Trudeau’s mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis in Canada, Canadians ended up facing two pandemics: a COVID pandemic and a pandemic of prime ministerial power-mongering and ineptitude);

3. ABORTION (it turns out that Trudeau’s abortion-choice ideology is blind to reason, truth, and actual choice—and is even sexist);

4. LGBTQ+ (this is yet another of Trudeau’s blind-to-reason, blind-to-truth and blind-to-choice ideologies, leaving in its wake of wokeness little actual help for many confused young people).

Of course, many other topics could have been included in a book whose main title is Untangling Trudeau. Examples: Canada’s runaway inflation, wild deficit spending, censorship, carbon tax, housing crisis, SNC-Lavalin scandal, etc. These are important topics, for sure. But, to keep the book’s length manageable, I focus on the four topics listed in my book’s subtitle: MAID, COVID, ABORTION, LGBTQ+. It seems to me that careful truth-seeking thought on these four topics is hugely important but neglected in Canada’s public discourse. Hence, my book.

I hope my book helps Canadian citizens stand on guard intellectually and courageously to keep Canada strong and free. 


Hendrik van der Breggen, PhD, is a retired philosophy professor who lives in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada.

December 11, 2024

Separation wall between Israel and West Bank is NOT apartheid


                Banksy wall mural (Palestine 2005)

Separation wall between Israel and West Bank is NOT apartheid

By Hendrik van der Breggen


Is apartheid the purpose of the Israeli-built separation wall between Israel and the West Bank? Answer: No.

Although inconvenience and suffering by Palestinians in the West Bank (a.k.a. Judea and Samaria) may be tragic effects of the separation wall, the question that should be asked is this: Why? Why was the separation wall built? The oft-missed truth will surprise Westerners who have succumbed to historical amnesia aided and abetted by anti-Israel media.

The truth is this: Israel’s purpose for the wall is not apartheid but to restrain hostile actors.

Whirlwind historical tour

To better understand why the separation wall exists, some knowledge of the history leading up to the wall’s construction is helpful. It gets a bit complicated, so please bear with me in the following whirlwind historical tour.

Let’s go back to 1967. It turns out that the Israeli presence in the West Bank was a result of a failed Arab attack on Israel in 1967. In that year Israel’s Arab neighbours—Egypt, Syria, and Jordan—wanted to destroy Israel (that is, they again wanted to destroy Israel, as was the case in their previously failed plan in the Arab-Israel war of 1948–49). But they lost (also again).

Israel was able to resist successfully against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan in what is called the Six Day War: June 5–10, 1967.[1] The Six Day War was a defensive war (via pre-emptive strike) on aggressor countries—Egypt, Syria, and Jordan—clearly bent on wiping Israel off the map. Incredibly (some say miraculously), Israel defeated the warring neighbours within a week.

Starting (and losing) war has consequences

Consequently, Egypt lost the Sinai Peninsula as well as Gaza to Israel (Israel returned Sinai to Egypt in a 1979 peace agreement, and Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 to give Gazans independence). Also, Syria lost the Golan Heights to Israel (which Israel still controls for strategic purposes against Syria). And Jordan lost the West Bank to Israel (Jordan had annexed the West Bank in 1950, after Jordan’s participation in the 1948–49 war against Israel).

These territorial gains by Israel followed the well-recognized principle of war that aggressor states, when defeated, can lose territory and subsequently have no legitimate right to complain (because, after all, they were aggressors).

Our focus here is the West Bank (and the wall).

After the 1967 Six Day War, the West Bank came under control of Israel to provide a security buffer against Jordan. (We will skip over the 1973 Yom Kippur War, in which Egypt and Syria launched yet another attack against Israel—and again lost.) In 1988 Jordan renounced its claim to the West Bank. Then in the 1993 Oslo Accords, which was an attempt to achieve a peace between Israelis and Palestinians, the Palestinian Authority was set up to control the West Bank and Gaza as a Palestinian state-in-the-making. Although Israel still maintained much control in the West Bank, the hope was to create a State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel. In other words, the goal was a two-state solution (which, by the way, was also the UN goal prior to the 1948–49 Arab initiated Arab-Israeli war). And the hope was for peace.

Possible peace in 2000

In the year 2000 a possible peace agreement at Camp David (hosted by U.S. President Bill Clinton) was negotiated between Israel and Palestine to create a full Palestinian state. This Palestinian state would include 90+ percent of the West Bank, the whole of Gaza, plus sections of much-coveted Jerusalem. The idea was for Israel to swap land for peace, and the deal was extremely generous to Palestinians. A genuine two-state solution seemed very much to be in the offing.

But then, to the astonishment of much of the world, the agreement was rejected by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat—and violence against Israel from West Bank ensued.

Rejection explained

Why the rejection? Answer: The peace agreement required Palestinians to recognize Israel as a legitimate state. For Palestinians, however, turning the West Bank and Gaza into their own Palestinian state was not the main concern. Rather, their main concern was that Palestinians should not recognize Israel—a Jewish state—as legitimate. Why not? Because Jews and a Jewish state in the region are anathema to Islam.

This is a religious objection that seems not appreciated, or at least underappreciated, by secular Western minds, so let me take some time to explain this religious objection. (Reminder: In our whirlwind historical tour we are still attempting to understand why Israel built a separation wall around the West Bank.)

About Islam/Islamism

It is important to understand the Islamic/Islamist mindset of the majority of Palestinians in 2000 because the issue for Palestinians regarding Israel very apparently was not over borders, but rather about whether Israel should be allowed to exist at all—in fact, Palestinians didn’t want Israel to exist at all. (And keep in mind that even at present most Palestinians still hold this Islamic/Islamist mindset as they support the group called Islamic Resistance Movement, whose acronym in Arabic is better known to Westerners as HAMAS.[2])

According to Islamic doctrine, all once-Muslim lands always belong to Islam. This includes the Palestine region, i.e., the geographical region that includes present-day Israel, West Bank, and Gaza, which was once part of the Ottoman Empire—which was an Islamic caliphate. But in World War I the Ottoman Empire had sided with Germany and had lost the war against Britain and France. As a result, the Palestine region fell under control of the British who then passed the control to the UN. The age of empire was ending and the age of self-determining nation states was emerging. The goal of Britain and then the UN was to create two nation states. The Palestine geographical region, no longer controlled by the Ottomans or British, was to be divided by the UN in 1948 into two nation states for two peoples with legitimate claims to the land: Arabs and Jews. Arabs would have their own state as would Jews.[3]

But, as mentioned, according to Islamic doctrine the region was to belong always to Islam. So the Islamist Arabs did not want the Jews to have their own state. And so the Islamist Arabs rejected the proposed two-state solution—with violence.

Note: Islamists are Muslims who take Muhammad (c. 570–632 AD) seriously as their prophet and ultimate revealer of God’s will. According to Islamists, Islam is not merely a personal religion but also a political ideology—and the goal for Islamists is to achieve a just global “peace” by dominating the world via jihad and ruling via Sharia law. (When Islamist jihad stalls or falters because Islamists are the weaker party, Islamists are amenable to ceasefires or truces, but only temporarily and when they are weak, so they can again become strong. Ceasefires and truces are a tactical ploy, not a permanent solution.) In addition, according to Islamists, Muhammad’s later hateful and violent teachings against Jews—teachings that abrogate/ cancel the prophet’s earlier peaceful views concerning Jews—are also to be taken seriously.[4] Jews may be tolerated as second-class citizens or they are to be killed. Significantly, the prophet Muhammad, who is the model Muslim for Islamists, was a warlord who killed or supported the killing of many hundreds of Jews.[5]

Unfortunately for the Islamist Arabs, in the Arab-Israeli war of 1948–49, a war in which five Arab countries attacked the newly formed Israeli state to destroy it, the Islamist Arabs lost the once-Muslim land to the Jews. This war—started and lost by the Islamist Arabs—was a huge embarrassment to Muslims. Not only did a small fledgling Jewish state defeat the Arab armies of five neighbouring countries, which is embarrassing enough, but also that loss was a violation of Islam’s Allah-ordained domination of that region, which is even more embarrassing.

Daniel Pipes, an American historian and president of the Middle East Forum, elaborates:

Islamic doctrine holds that once a land has been conquered by Muslims, it becomes part of the lands of Islam (Dar al-Islam) and an inalienable Islamic patrimony (a waqf). Accordingly, its loss constitutes a robbery, and Muslims must exert to bring it back under their rule…

Palestine became a part of Dar al-Islam after its conquest by Muslims in 638 CE, six years after the Islamic account records the death of Muhammad. Muslims then ruled it until 1917, with the exception of two centuries, from 1097 to 1291, when Crusaders controlled parts of it. The British ruled all of it from 1917 to 1948 and Israel, most or all of thereafter. This history has created a deep sense of entitlement: Palestine [i.e., the geographical region which includes Israel] belongs under Muslim control.[6]

Moreover, according to Islam and Islamists, Islam is the true religion whereas Judaism, the religion of the Jews, is not (nor is Christianity or any other religion). Thus, as previously mentioned, for Islamists, that is, for Muslims who take Muhammad seriously as their prophet and final revealer of God’s will, Muhammad’s later hateful and violent teachings against Jews (teachings that abrogate the prophet’s earlier peaceful views of Jews) are to be taken seriously. Jews are to be dominated as second-class citizens or they are to be destroyed. Jews simply cannot have a state in a once-Muslim land. A Jewish state is anathema to Islam.

All this to say: The peace negotiations of 2000 were rejected by Palestine because a Jewish state simply could not be allowed by Arab Islamists.

The sneaky part

There is more. As is often said, the devil is in the details.

Yes, the peace negotiations of 2000 were rejected by Palestine because a Jewish state simply could not be allowed for religious reasons by Arab Islamists, but there is an important wrinkle. The peace negotiations fell apart because it was a Palestinian attempt to beat Israel, albeit sneakily instead of militarily, and again the Palestinians failed.

As mentioned, gaining the West Bank, Gaza, and parts of Jerusalem was not enough for the Palestinians. The Palestinian sneaky strategy was to win against Israel in 2000 by insisting on the alleged “right of return” of Palestinian refugees from the Arab-Israeli war of 1948–49. This was a “right of return” not merely to what would be the new state of Palestine (i.e., West Bank and Gaza), in which most Palestinian refugees already lived, but to their former homes in Israel. In other words, Palestinians wanted an Israeli political suicide.

A look at some numbers will help us understand the Palestinian right-of-return strategy as a way of defeating Israel. At the end of the 1948–49 war there were 750,000 Palestinian refugees who had left Israel, but that number increased by the year 2000 to 3.7 million even though no more Palestinians left Israel.[7] Why the increase? Because instead of settling those refugees, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency/ UNRWA—a refugee settlement agency that was co-opted by Palestinians and became an anti-Israel political weapon—nurtured the identities of these original refugees as perpetual and resentful anti-Israel refugees for 50 years, granted refugee status to their descendants, and maintained refugee status even of those who became citizens elsewhere (which is, to put it mildly, outlandish and unheard of in other international refugee organizations such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees/ UNHCR). But Israel’s population in the year 2000 was 6.2 million, of which 1.4 million were non-Jews. So in the year 2000 an additional 3.7 Muslim Arabs coming to Israel would turn Israel into a state in which Jews no longer were the majority. Significantly, this would undermine the Jewishness of the Jewish democratic state. And this would allow Palestinians to win demographically in 2000 the war they lost militarily in 1949. As a result of the so-called “right of return,” Israel would become a Muslim/Islamist-majority state. Sneaky, indeed.

To avoid political suicide (and worse), Israel could not allow this Palestinian alleged “right of return.” So even though Israel was generously willing to turn over West Bank, Gaza, and parts of Jerusalem in return for peace coupled with an official Palestinian recognition of Israel as a bona fide state, Palestine said no. And violence against Israel ensued.[8]

About the Nakba

At this juncture, it may be tempting for some pro-Palestine readers to object that the Palestinian “right of return” is legitimate because Israel was the cause of the Palestinian refugee crisis of 1948–49. That is, Israel was the cause of the displacement of 750,000 Arabs, a.k.a. the Nakba (Arabic for “catastrophe”). The idea, according to this objection, is that in the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli war Israel committed a genocide or ethnic cleansing against Arabs, so for justice to prevail Palestinian Arab refugees should be allowed to return to Israel. Today, the view that Jews committed genocide or ethnic cleansing at Israel’s inception is a highly popular view. But it is false and should be challenged.

The fact is that at Israel’s inception in 1948 the Palestinian Arabs started (and later lost) a genocidal war against the Jews, a war that was an attempt by the Palestinian Islamist Arabs and the surrounding Islamist Arab states to bring Hitler’s “final solution” (extermination of Jews) into the region of Palestine. Reminder: Nazi Germany lost World War II in 1945 yet many Arabs were Nazi-collaborators who, after World War II, continued to hold firm to their Nazi-like antisemitism and continued to fan the flames of this antisemitism in the Middle East. But the Jews refused to be victims (again) and successfully resisted the Nazi-collaborating Islamist Arab aggressors. The 1948–49 war was the cause of the displacement of 750 thousand Palestinian Arabs, but that war was started by Palestinian Islamist Arabs. Israel did not start the war and thus was not the cause of the Palestinian refugee crisis.

Yes, many Arabs, especially those deemed hostile to Israel, were forced out by Israel in 1948. This is truly tragic. But it was war—a war started by the Arabs. And these facts remain: Many Arabs left Israel willingly to get out of harm’s way because a war (to exterminate Jews) was at hand (and these fleeing Arabs planned to return to Israel after Israel was destroyed); many Arabs left Israel because the surrounding Arab nations (wishing to wage genocidal war on the Jews) ordered them to leave to facilitate the war effort (and return later to a Jew-ridden land); many Arabs who were not hostile to Israel stayed in Israel (as citizens of Israel). In other words, the criterion for Arabs being forced out of Israel was not whether they were Arab, but whether they were hostile to Israel.

Middle East expert Denis MacEoin observes: It is true that the Israelis expelled some Arabs, but they were mainly those in frontline areas and who were known to be cooperating with the enemy. But they were only a small percentage of those Arabs who became displaced.[9]

Thus, embedded in the criterion of expulsion is a distinction that shows the Nakba was not genocide, not ethnic cleansing. Hostility, not ethnicity or religion, was the concern. This is a significant distinction that should not be missed (but often is) and it refutes the genocide/ethnic cleansing charge.

This distinction is additionally significant because it also refutes the oft-heard charge that Israel stole Arab land. That is to say, the distinction shows that in 1948–49 many Palestinian Arabs forfeited the ownership of their houses and land by siding with those who waged war on the Jews with the intent of murdering all the Jews. Is “forfeited” too strong a word? No. As MacEoin points out, The Arabs in Palestine were being told: ‘You can leave now, you can get out of the way, let the armies—let the Egyptian army, the Jordanian army [and other Islamist Arab armies]—let them do their work, and then when you come back you can have all the properties that belong to the Jews when we have wiped them out.’[10] Surely, abandoning one’s property (even with intent of doing so only temporarily) so thereby one aids and abets a genocidal war against one’s neighbours constitutes no legitimate grounds whatsoever for one’s complaint of theft concerning the abandoned property’s subsequent appropriation by those neighbours (as a nation state) when the genocide attempt is stopped by those neighbours.

All this to say: Palestinian refugees do not have a “right to return” to Israel, and so the Palestinian rejection of the 2000 peace offer was because they did not want Israel to be a state.

By the way, for the sake of context, after the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli war about 800 thousand Jews fled or were pushed out of nearby Arab countries to find safety in Israel and elsewhere.[11]

Back to the separation wall

Again, in the peace negotiations of 2000, turning the West Bank and Gaza into a Palestinian state was not the main concern for Palestinian Islamist Arabs. Rather, the main concern was that Palestinians should not recognize Israel—a Jewish state—as legitimate. Jews and a Jewish state in the region are anathema to Islam. The whole of the region was to be under Muslim control. Because Muslim control could not be gotten via the alleged “right of return,” Islamic terrorists in West Bank launched multiple suicide bombings and attacks against Israelis, and so Israel struck back with force—and walls.

Daniel Gordis, a Distinguished Fellow at Shalem College (Jerusalem), explains the sad situation well, so I quote him in extenso:

In 2001, more than a hundred Israelis died at the hands of suicide bombers. Dozens more died in attacks of other sorts. As the Palestinians grew increasingly brazen, they attacked more heavily trafficked locations seeking ever higher body counts. In the summer of 2001, a suicide bomber attacked a disco on the Tel Aviv beach, which left twenty-one Israelis dead, most of them teenage girls from Russian families who had immigrated to Israel. Over a hundred were injured. Barely two months later, a suicide bomber attacked a pizzeria in downtown Jerusalem, at one of the city’s busiest intersections. One hundred and thirty people were injured in the blast, and fifteen were killed. Half of the dead were children.

Most of the perpetrators of the violence were coming from the West Bank….

On the first night of Passover in 2002, some 250 guests had gathered for the traditional Seder [a Jewish service or dinner to celebrate the beginning of Passover] at the Park Hotel in the seaside city of Netanya. A Palestinian terrorist disguised as a woman managed to get past hotel security and detonated a large explosive in the crowd, many of whom were elderly and some of whom were Holocaust survivors. The blast killed 28 civilians and injured about 140 people. Twenty of the wounded were severely injured, and two later died of their wounds. Several married couples were killed, as was a ninety-year-old. A father was killed with his daughter.

Gordis adds:

In the aftermath of this attack, Ariel Sharon [then prime minister of Israel] decided to respond, and shortly thereafter, Israel launched Operation Defensive Shield. The largest Israeli military operation in the West Bank since the Six-Day War, it was designed to uproot the terror infrastructures in the major Palestinian cities there. In essence, Israel took back the cities that it had transferred to the Palestinians in 1995 as part of the Oslo Accords.

Israel did not stop there. Committed to stopping the terror and the attacks on its citizens, the government decided in September 2002 to build a separation barrier cutting off Arab areas in the territories from Israel. The wall, which took more than five years to construct, covered 480 miles (though it was never completed). When the northern section of the wall was completed, it managed to stop all terrorist attacks from that section of the West Bank. Despite its undeniable effectiveness, the wall evoked widespread international condemnation for the inconveniences it imposed on innocent Palestinians, but Israel’s leadership was not moved. Construction of the wall continued, and by December 2004, the number of suicide attacks had decreased by 84 percent.[12]

Presently, the West Bank (a.k.a. Judea and Samaria) is a territory of which parts are controlled by the Palestinian Authority and parts by Israel—and it is complicated. Areas are divided as Palestinian-controlled, as Israeli-controlled, and as something-in-between. As mentioned, the segregation and Israeli presence in the West Bank are due to security reasons. It is not done for the sake of apartheid, as often is alleged in news and social media. The segregation and Israeli presence are no doubt difficult for Palestinians, but this is Israel’s response to the many past Palestinian attacks and suicide bombings against Israel.

Again, it is not apartheid. Nor is it racism. It is not discrimination or oppression based on race or ethnicity. Rather, it is an attempt to restrain hostile actors. Again, the separation wall was built by Israel for security reasons. And shortly after the wall was built Palestinian attacks and suicide bombings dropped significantly.

Sadly, at time of writing (November-December 2024) there has been an upsurge in Palestinian terrorism in Judea and Samaria against Israelis.


Although inconvenience and suffering by Palestinians in the West Bank (a.k.a. Judea and Samaria) may be tragic effects of the separation wall, the question that should be asked is this: Why was the separation wall built? As our whirlwind historical tour has shown, the purpose of the separation wall between Israel and the West Bank is not apartheid. This oft-missed truth may surprise Westerners who have succumbed to historical amnesia aided and abetted by anti-Israel media, but the fact is that the wall was built for the sake of Israel’s security against Palestinian Islamist attacks—and reasonably so.[13, 14]



1. For a detailed examination of the Six Day War, see Michael B. Oren, Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East, 50th anniversary edition (New York: Ballantine Books/ Presidio Press, 2017). Oren has a PhD in Near Eastern Studies from Princeton University and is a former Israeli Ambassador to the United States.

2. “Poll: Hamas Remains Popular Among Palestinians,” Foundation for Defense of Democracies, March 22, 2024, https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/.

3. For a defence of the falsity of the claim that Israel’s inception was a colonial enterprise, see Hendrik van der Breggen, “Settler-colonialism and ethnic cleansing: Two false assumptions about Israel’s inception,” APOLOGIA, October 8, 2024, https://apologiabyhendrikvanderbreggen.blogspot.com/2024/10/settler-colonialism-and-ethnic.html. See also Adam Kirsch, On Settler Colonialism: Ideology, Violence, and Justice (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2024). For my review of Kirsch’s book, see Hendrik van der Breggen, “Book review of Adam Kirsch's On Settler Colonialism,” APOLOGIA, November 7, 2024, https://apologiabyhendrikvanderbreggen.blogspot.com/2024/11/book-review-of-adam-kirschs-on-settler.html.

4. It should be noted that the Qur’an is not ordered chronologically. Instead, it begins with the longest chapter and ends with the shortest chapter. The result, it seems to me, is that it is not clear to the peaceful Muslim that the violent verses come after—and abrogate—the peaceful verses. Muslims who follow Muhammad’s violent teachings are scripturally correct in doing so.

5. It would be reasonable to describe Islamists as what Ayaan Hirsi Ali calls “Medina Muslims,” i.e., they follow the violent teachings of the Prophet Mohammed when in the city of Medina the prophet effectively became a warlord after his peaceful approach to spreading Islam in Mecca was rejected (“Mecca Muslims” follow the Prophet Mohammad’s peaceful teachings when he first began his religion in Mecca). For more on the distinction between Medina Muslims and Mecca Muslims, see Ayaan Hirsi Ali, “Islam Is a Religion of Violence,” Foreign Policy Magazine, November 9, 2015, https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/11/09/islam-is-a-religion-of-violence-ayaan-hirsi-ali-debate-islamic-state/. For further thought about Islam and Jews, see Mark A. Gabriel, Islam and the Jews: The Unfinished Battle (Lake Mary, Florida: Charisma House, 2003). For further thought about Islam in general, see R. C. Sproul & Abdul Saleeb, The Dark Side of Islam (Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books, 2003) and see Robert Spencer et al., Islam: What the West Needs to Know, DVD (98 minutes), produced and directed by Gregory M. Davis and Bryan Daly (Lorain, Ohio: Quixotic Media Productions, 2006), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mllMkm8pcVU.

6. Daniel Pipes, Israel Victory: How Zionists Win Acceptance and Palestinians Get Liberated (New York & Nashville: Wicked Son/ Post Hill Press, 2024), 32–33. See, too, Serge Trifkovic’s comments at 51:25–52:36 in Spencer et al., Islam. For further thought, see Mordecai Kedar, “Arabs and Muslims Will Not Accept Israel as the Jewish State,” The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, January 18, 2018, https://besacenter.org/muslims-israel-jewish-state/.

7. Source: “Total Palestinian Refugees (1950–Present),” Jewish Virtual Library (based on UNWRA statistics), https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/total-palestinian-refugees-1950-present.

8. For further thought about how Palestinians with the help of UNRWA use the so-called right of return of Palestinian refugees to undermine Israel, see the following: Richard Goldberg, “Close Down UNRWA: Western nations must not continue to contribute to a UN agency that is effectively controlled by a terrorist organization,” Quillette,  February 7, 2024, https://quillette.com/2024/02/07/close-down-unrwa/; Zoe Booth, “Should We Get Rid of UNRWA?” Quillette, December 3, 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpyrt0hK7v4&t=11s; Einat Wilf  & Adi Schwartz, The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace (New York: St. Martin’s Publishing/ All Points Books, 2020); Einat Wilf, The Israeli-Arab Conflict: Seminar by Dr Einat Wilf, ed. Jaime Kardontchik (Independently published, April 25, 2022). I find the work of Einat Wilf especially helpful. Wilf holds a BA from Harvard and a PhD in political science from Cambridge, served as an intelligence officer with the Israeli Defense Forces, is a former member of the Israeli parliament, and presently works with the Israeli Citizen Spokespersons’ Office.

9. Denis MacEoin, in “The Status of Jerusalem, the 1949 Armistice Lines, and Refugees,” Whose Land? Episode 12 (London: UK Lawyers for Israel: 2024), https://uklficharity.com/whose-land/whose-land-episode-12/. MacEoin has a PhD in Persian/ Islamic Studies from Cambridge University, was a lecturer in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Newcastle University, and was a senior editor at Middle East Quarterly.

10. MacEoin, “The Status of Jerusalem, the 1949 Armistice Lines, and Refugees.”

11. Some might argue that because Israel presently tells non-Israeli Jews they have a right to return to Israel (their ancestral homeland), Israel is being inconsistent in not giving Palestinian refugees a right of return. This is problematic because the Palestinian refugees, unlike diaspora Jews, sided with those who wished to destroy Israel.

12. Daniel Gordis, Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn (New York: HarperCollins Publishers/ Ecco, 2016), 382–383.

13. For additional thought about the separation wall, thought that takes into account Palestinian as well as Israeli views of the separation wall, thought that ends on a positive and hopeful note, see this 15 minute video: “Why Did Israel Build a Wall Around the West Bank?” Unpacked, October 11, 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIP0TMkuqGw. I should add that this video is now over a year old, that many Palestinians in the West Bank now support Hamas, and that over the last year terrorist attacks launched from the West Bank against Israel have increased. That is, keep in mind that the video’s positive and hopeful note may not be as justified as it used to be. Still, the video is helpful for getter a better understanding of why the separation wall was built.

14. One final note: The popular idea that Israel “occupies” the West Bank is disputed—and not unreasonably so. According to Natasha Hausdorff  (a British barrister and international law expert, with degrees in law from Oxford University, Tel Aviv University, and Columbia Law School), the term “occupation” regarding Israel in the West Bank is a misapplication of international law because of the rule uti possidetis juris (Latin for “as [you] possess under law”). This rule has to do with the borders of newly emerging states at their moment of independence retaining the borders they had while dependent. In Israel’s case the rule determines that the pre-existing administrative lines of the British Mandate became Israel’s borders when Israel declared independence in 1948, and this means that the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza fall within Israel’s borders. This also means that after Israel’s 1948–49 war of independence, a war in which five Arab nations attacked Israel—nations including Jordan and Egypt—Jordan ended up occupying West Bank and Egypt ended up occupying Gaza. Thus, when Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in 1967 again attacked Israel and again lost, Israel resumed, legally, its control of the West Bank and Gaza. That is to say, in 1967 Israel legitimately took back West Bank and Gaza from the occupation of, respectively, Jordan and Egypt. That is, in 1967 Israel did not occupy the West Bank and Gaza, nor does it continue to do so. Here is the legal point: A country does not “occupy” its own territory that was occupied by another country but then recovered militarily from that occupier. So Israel does not occupy the West Bank.

          For some critical legal discussion of Israel’s alleged occupation of the West Bank, see 1:09:06–1:13:32 of Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster’s interview with Natasha Hausdorff in “There is No Genocide, No Apartheid, No Occupation,” Triggernometry, July 14, 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wrhzDBvhEc.

For a long well-researched article that helpfully sets out in layman’s terms the problems with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) vis-à-vis Israel, see Stephen Daisley, “How to undermine international law,” Stephen Daisely Substack, July 31, 2024, https://stephendaisley.substack.com/p/how-to-undermine-international-law. Daisley is a journalist whose work appears often in The Spectator and The Scottish Daily Mail.

        Confession: In Daisley’s layman-friendly article, I did have to look up the meaning of one word. That word is “farrago.” Farrago means a confused mixture or hodgepodge. It’s found in the fourth sentence of this paragraph: “Countries hostile to Israel sponsored a resolution at the UN General Assembly. This resolution was essentially a charge sheet and accused Israel of every crime in history with the possible exception of the Jack the Ripper murders. It was passed despite attracting the support of fewer than half of member states. A farrago of untruths, half truths, distortions, misrepresentations and profoundly partisan interpretations of history, the resolution formed the mandate for the ICJ’s inquiry and the advisory opinion reflects that. It cobbles together Palestinian demands, anti-Israel sources and an exclusively Palestinian reading of history into a judicial manifesto for the Middle East.”


Hendrik van der Breggen, PhD, is a retired philosophy professor (formerly at Providence University College, Canada) and author of Untangling Popular Anti-Israel Arguments: Critical Thinking about the Israel-Hamas War (paperback can be purchased at Amazon or pdf can be downloaded for free at Hendrik’s blog APOLOGIA). 

November 07, 2024

Book review of Adam Kirsch's On Settler Colonialism


Book review

On Settler Colonialism: Ideology, Violence, and Justice. By Adam Kirsch. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2024. 142 pages.

Reviewed by Hendrik van der Breggen


Adam Kirsch’s On Settler Colonialism should be required reading in colleges and universities across Canada and the U.S. For Kirsch, an American Jew who is a poet, literary critic, and editor at Wall Street Journal (Weekend Review section), the impetus for writing his book was the Hamas attack against Israel on October 7, 2023. The Hamas attack was disturbingly evil, to say the least. But Kirsch was also disturbed—rightly so—by the “enthusiasm for violence against Israeli civilians” displayed by many Western academics (students and professors) and by the fact that “more than half of college-age Americans seem to believe that it would be justified for Palestinians to commit a genocide of Israeli Jews.” (Kirsch, On Settler Colonialism, pages 4 & 1; hereafter references to Kirsch’s book will simply be the letter K.) Clearly, this deep hatred for Israel and Jews shows something has gone wrong in Western higher education. Kirsch’s book is an attempt to set things right.

Critical theories in general

Before I go on with Kirsch’s book, a few words about so-called critical theories may be appropriate, for the sake of getting our intellectual bearings (roughly). Critical theories are popular in the present academic scene. These theories attempt to provide an overall background understanding or diagnosis of what is the main problem with the world. Typically on such theories, a more powerful group is seen as an oppressor and a less powerful group is seen as oppressed. Often there is some very real injustice that the theories pick up on, but then they run amok in diagnosing every evil in terms of the theory and in providing solutions. Some critical theories see economic classes as the root of all evil. Think of Marx’s idea of economic class division and conflict. On this view social problems arise because the powerful rich (capitalists) oppress the poor (the workers). The solution is to create a classless society with communal ownership of factories and farms, and to achieve this goal may require a violent revolution. History shows such solutions tend to fail dismally and disastrously (think of the former Soviet Union). Another critical theory—critical race theory—sees racism as the root of all evil. On this view most problems arise because whites (usually heterosexual males of European descent) oppress non-whites (everyone else). The solution is to create a society in which diversity, equity, and inclusion reign. Recent history has shown—and is showing—that such a solution tends to create a mess.[1]

Settler colonialism

Enter the ideology of settler colonialism—and Kirsch’s book.

According to Kirsch, settler colonialism is a species of critical theory which sees the major root of all evil as stemming from a country’s origin, more specifically, an origin having to do with conquest and settlement. Examples of such countries, on this view, are the U.S., Australia, and Canada. Europeans are the oppressing colonizers, and indigenous peoples are the oppressed victims. A more recent example, according to settler colonialism, is Israel and its oppression of native Palestinians. (Reminder: Israel became a state in 1948, i.e., much later than America, Australia, and Canada.) On settler colonialism, the country’s origin is a sin because it is founded in genocide, understood broadly to include not only the killing of a native people but also their physical transfer and/or their cultural assimilation. Moreover, this sin is ongoing, that is, it’s not merely a one-off event but a “structure.” The conquerors continue their conquering by promoting “settler ways of being.” (K 7, 58) Thus, on settler colonialism, even if a citizen is a mere descendent of a settler or has immigrated to the settlement-born country, whether the citizen is white, black, or whatever, that citizen is a settler and therefore complicit in guilt. Even though the original settlers may be long gone, settler ways of being continue to impinge unjustly on the native inhabitants. The original invasion of long ago continues. The solution: “deconstruct the social order founded by settler colonialism.” (K 58) More specifically, in the words of two settler colonial theorists, reported by Kirsch: “[this] requires the abolition of land as property and uphold[ing] the sovereignty of Native land and people” and “repatriating land to sovereign Native tribes and nations.” (K 30)  The goal is to return the land to “the pristine nature that existed before Europeans arrived.” (K 54) And, because of the violent founding of the country, violent resistance may be appropriate—even virtuous.

Kirsch argues that the people who hold to settler colonialism as an ideology tend to understand and criticize present problems a priori primarily on the basis of that ideology. Such problems range “from selfishness to strip mining to the scientific method.” (K 58)  The ideology is a totalizing interpretive lens, and all history and the goings-on in history are seen through this lens. On this view, bad things today are a legacy of settler colonialism. Bad things today are bad because of a society’s origin via conquest and settlement. Settler colonialism is the original sin.

It turns out that today many Western academics and students view the West in general through the ideological-interpretive lens of settler colonialism (witness the prevalence of “land acknowledgements”) and thus negatively—very negatively.

Kirsch goes on: The settler colonialist ideology gets a grip on people because they are indignant about injustices. And, as Kirsch rightly points out, there are in fact injustices to be indignant about. So far, so good.

But, Kirsch points out, things run amok quickly. It turns out that the ideology of settler colonialism serves as a Procrustean bed in its causal analysis of the injustices and in its attempts to resolve them.[2] There are injustices involved in the history of conquest and settlement, to be sure, and in fact the whole history of the world is rife with conquest and settlement. But the goings-on in the world are much more complex—and so too the possible solutions—than the ideology allows. In effect, settler colonialism serves as an ideological rolling pin (my change of metaphor) that flattens the historical and moral landscape to reflect the ideology rather than letting the actual landscape present its own complex peculiarities (not all of which is bad, as Kirsch rightly also points out).

According to Kirsch, “the actual effect of the ideology of settler colonialism…is to cultivate hatred of those designated as settlers and to inspire hope for their disappearance.” (K 117–118) Indeed, viewing one’s society now as illegitimate, as the ideology of settler colonialism requires, and thus trying to undo the injustices of the settler colonial past which led up to the present with its inherited and ongoing settler sins, runs, according to Kirsch, into the problem of creating more injustices.

Enter: Israel

Israel is of particular interest to settler colonialist ideologues because, compared to other Western countries, Israel’s inception is much more recent and the Israel-Palestine conflict is ongoing, so serious societal change is, for settler colonial ideologues, a live option. The abstract ideological rubber can more easily meet the reality of the road, so to speak (my words). If one takes Israel’s comparatively-recent inception as unjust, which settler colonial ideologues typically do, and if one also sees such injustice as justification for killing Israelis—as believed by apparently not a few settler colonial ideologues at university campus protests, and as approved by Hamas on anti-Jewish Islamist Jihadist grounds—then the October 7th slaughter in Israel becomes legitimate. Today’s Israeli people are not innocent, according to the ideology. They are bad, and deserve their punishment. And so killing them is a legitimate part of Palestinian “resistance” to the original and ongoing sin of settler colonialism.

Moral problems

On settler colonialism, the end, that is, the undoing of the original genocide of indigenous people perpetrated by settler colonialists, justifies the means to achieve this end, that is, more violence—this time against the settler colonialists. And so such a means is seen as virtuous. But, as Kirsch correctly points out, this is a deep moral problem for settler colonialism. If one hasn’t bought into the ideology of settler colonialism, that is, if one hasn’t ideologically numbed one’s pre-theoretic moral intuitions (my phrase, not Kirsch’s), then October 7—the targeted slaughter (and torture and rape) of civilians, including children, women, and the elderly—is a new injustice.[3] So the alleged virtue of settler colonialism’s ideology results in more conflict, more hatred, more killing of innocents—more moral abominations.

Historical problems

Another problem for settler colonialism when applied to Israel, Kirsch also argues (also rightly), is that the actual history of Israel’s inception—unlike that of the U.S., Australia, and Canada—does not fit the settler-colonial model and thus Israel’s history is forced or flattened by ideologues to fit the ideology. The few pages Kirsch devotes to this historical point are worth the price of the book, it seems to me. The following points from Kirsch deserve to be emphasized here. Unlike the cases of colonial settlers and their settling of the U.S., Australia, and Canada,

  • many Jews were indigenous to the land (too);
  • for the Jews the land plays a “constitutive and defining” role;
  • Jews who immigrated to the land were refugees (often persecuted);
  • the Jews were not attracted to the land because of its natural resources;
  • there was no mother country for whom the Jews were colonialists;
  • Jews did not commit genocide toward the land’s non-Jewish inhabitants.

A shortcoming of Kirsch’s book is that he does not develop the last point about Jews not committing genocide to the land’s non-Jewish inhabitants during Israel’s inception. The view that Jews did commit genocide at Israel’s inception is a highly popular view. But it is false and should be challenged. Kirsch should have set out the evidence for this falsity and put more responsibility/ blame on the Palestinian Arabs. The fact is that in 1947 the Palestinian Arabs started (and later lost) a genocidal war against the Jews, a war that was an attempt by the Palestinian Arabs and the surrounding Arab states to bring Hitler’s “final solution” (extermination of Jews) into the region of Palestine. But the Jews refused to be victims (again) and successfully resisted the Nazi-sympathizing Arab oppressors. The 1947–49 war, started by Palestinian Arabs, was the cause of the displacement of many thousands of Palestinian Arabs, often referred to by Arabs as the Nakba (Arabic for “catastrophe”). Yes, many Arabs, especially those deemed hostile to Israel, were forced out by Israel in 1948. This is truly tragic. But it was war—a war started by the Arabs. And these facts remain: Many Arabs left Israel willingly to get out of harm’s way because a war (to exterminate Jews) was at hand (and these fleeing Arabs planned to return to Israel after Israel was destroyed); many Arabs left Israel because the surrounding Arab nations (wishing to wage genocidal war on the Jews) ordered them to leave to facilitate the war effort (and return later to a Jew-ridden land); many Arabs who were not hostile to Israel stayed in Israel (as citizens of Israel). In other words, the criterion for Arabs being forced out of Israel was not whether they were Arab, but whether they were hostile to Israel. Thus, embedded in the criterion of expulsion is a distinction that shows the Nakba was not genocide, not ethnic cleansing. Hostility, not ethnicity or religion, was the concern. This is a significant distinction that should not be missed (but often is) and it refutes the genocide/ethnic cleansing charge.[4]

Practical problems

Back to Kirsch’s general criticism of settler colonialism: According to Kirsch, using the ideology of settler colonialism to attempt to render justice to the indigenous peoples of the U.S., Australia, and Canada is also problematic in practice in the sense that it fails to address what parts should be returned to which tribe. Moreover, which warring tribe has priority: the most recent conquerors or the previously conquered (and what about the tribes before the previously conquered tribes)? And what should be done with the non-indigenous people now living on the land whose number is huge compared to the remaining indigenous people and whose actions are so far removed from the actions of the original settlers that their responsibility for those actions is tenuous if not near-zero? Attempts to undo the effects of the long and many previous histories of conquest and settlement, much of whose historical records is lost, would result in chaos and additional injustices. Surely.

Talmudic “despair” as a possible way forward

As important as the above insights from Kirsch are—and they are important—here I wish to share briefly what I take to be Kirsch’s perhaps more important insights on how to move forward and get beyond the faulty ideology of settler colonialism.

Kirsch argues that we should acknowledge the sad and terrible truth that the entire history of the world has in fact involved an awful lot of conquest and settlement and that, contrary to what ideologues seem to assume, there is no “pure” previous country or utopia to which to return. (Note from me for the religious: Even the Garden of Eden is guarded by an archangel with a flaming sword to keep us out!) The fact of history is that the conquered of the past were also conquerors in the past. Still, says Kirsch, we should try to deal with past injustices, “recognizing that the wounds we inherit can’t be undone, but perhaps they can be healed, even if they’re guaranteed to leave a scar.” (K 129) How? By looking, as much as we can, at the actual goings-on in history without the pre-judgments of the settler-colonial ideological lens. And by employing the Talmudic concept of “despair.” (The Talmud is a multi-volume compilation of centuries of rabbinic debate about law, philosophy, and biblical interpretation. It is a source of wisdom, whether one is Jewish or not.)

Kirsch quickly adds that the Talmudic concept of “despair” is not justice per se and does not pretend to be. But it is “knowing that perfect justice often cannot be achieved” (K 130), especially in the face of the chaos and greater injustice that would likely ensue if we attempt to seek an impossible-for-humans perfect justice concerning the past. It is to seek goodness, as far as is humanly possible, even though past injustice cannot be undone. We despair of the past, yes, but do not despair of the future.

Kirsch explains well, so I quote him in extenso:

“[I]f what we want is hope for the future—for the possibility of ending conflicts, rather than renewing them; for reconciliation, rather than righteous hatred—then it may be necessary to despair of the past….” (K 128–129)

“A model for this kind of despair can be found in the Talmud’s discussion of the legal status of lost and stolen items. If a person loses a possession or has it stolen, does he remain its legal owner? It might seem obvious that he should: after all, he never agreed to give it up. But suppose a thief stole a cloak and sold it to a merchant, who sold it to a customer. If the garment still belongs to the original owner, then he would have the right to go to the customer and take it back. In remedying the original wrong, however, this would create a new wrong, since the new owner acted in good faith and paid for his purchase…. Now imagine a case involving not just a cloak but homes, land, and political sovereignty, over a span of centuries.…” (K 129)

“A legal system that held out hope of reversing every loss would create more chaos and injustice than it remedied.” (K 130)

“For this reason, Jewish law introduces the concept of ‘despair.’ Under certain circumstances, the law presumes that a person who loses a possession despairs of getting it back and thus relinquishes ownership. The Talmud’s examples include coins lost in a public place, a donkey taken by a customs collector, and a garment stolen by a bandit. A person who despairs is still entitled to monetary compensation and damages, but he or she can no longer demand the return of the original item, and its subsequent chain of title is valid.” (K 130)

Kirsch again: “Is despair justice? No. It is what the law offers instead of justice, knowing that perfect justice often cannot be achieved. And what is true of individuals and their possessions is infinitely more so of nations and their histories. To render perfect justice, the land of Israel would be restored to the Jews, who were exiled from it by the Romans, and also restored to the Palestinian Arabs who lived there before 1948. Not only is this impossible, but any attempt to secure the country for just one of these peoples would inflict suffering on millions whose only sin was being born in a contested land.” (K 130)

Ditto for other countries born of conquest and settlement and the many more millions whose only sin was being born in a contested land. Yes, we should honour treaties and provide legitimate compensation as is possible, but we should not demand the humanly impossible and we should not create more injustice.

According to Kirsch, acknowledging this despair and not succumbing to settler colonialism as an ideology permits us to build and “hope for a better future, instead of perpetuating grievances and blood feuds.” (K 131)

I think Kirsch is correct.



1. For additional thought on critical theory, see Helen Pluckrose & James Lindsay, Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity—and Why This Harms Everybody (Durham, North Carolina: Pitchstone Publishing, 2020). On the mess that has been created in recent history by critical theories, see Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race, and Identity (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019). On DEI, see Bari Weiss, Christopher Rufo & Yascha Mounk, “The Right Way to Fight Illiberalism,” The Free Press, January 27, 2024; Christopher Rufo, “How DEI Corrupts America’s Universities: The ideology of ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ is not what it purports to be,” City Journal, June 23, 2024; John Ivison & Mark Milke, “DEI is incompatible with academic freedom: study,” National Post, February 7, 2025.

2. From Merriam-Webster (on the origin of the term “procrustean bed”): “Procrustes was one of many villains defeated by the Greek hero Theseus. According to Greek mythology, Procrustes was a robber who killed his victims in a most cruel and unusual way. He made them lie on an iron bed and would force them to fit the bed by cutting off the parts that hung off the ends or by stretching those people who were too short. Something Procrustean, therefore, takes no account of individual differences but cruelly and mercilessly makes everything the same. And a ‘procrustean bed’ is a scheme or pattern into which someone or something is arbitrarily forced.” (I add the etymology and definition of “procrustean bed” here because, sadly, I have come to believe that many young people are not aware of the meaning and origin of the term.)

3. Reminder: Hamas targets civilians, whereas Israel does not. Also, for a defence of moral intuitions, see chapter 2 “Moral Philosophy” of my Miracle Reports, Moral Philosophy, and Contemporary Science (PhD dissertation, University of Waterloo, 2004).

4. For my view on Israel’s inception, which complements Kirsch’s view but puts more responsibility/ blame on the Palestinian Arabs for their Nazi-collaborating Islamic Jihadist behaviour, see my Settler-colonialism and ethnic cleansing: Two false assumptions about Israel’s inception, APOLOGIA, October 8, 2024.


Interviews with Adam Kirsch

In the Spotlight: Adam Kirsch (Jewish Broadcasting Service) (24 minutes)

Settler Colonialism and Drivers of Anti-Israel Sentiment with Eric Kaufmann and Adam Kirsch (Manhattan Institute) (44 minutes)

The Campaign Against 'Settler Colonialism' (Quillette) (30 minutes)

Why Are Jews Called 'Settlers Colonialists' w/ Adam Kirsch (Jewish News Syndicate TV) (42 minutes)

Hendrik van der Breggen, PhD, is a retired philosophy professor who lives in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada. Hendrik is author of the 2024 book Untangling Popular Anti-Israel Arguments: Critical Thinking about the Israel-Hamas War, which is available for purchase at Amazon (paperback) or for free here (pdf).